How will Artificial disc replacement help?

In the ever-evolving field of medicine, advancements are happening every day. Artificial disc replacement is one such advancement that can provide huge benefits to patients with degenerative disc disease and other back problems. Using artificial discs in place of damaged discs in the spine will not only offer relief from many lower back pain issues but also restore mobility and improve the quality of life of the patient. But what exactly are these artificial discs? And how can they help? In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about artificial disc replacement and how it can help treat your back problem or spinal injury.

Open surgical method

This includes 2 methods, Lumbar discectomy and laminotomy. Lumbar discectomy is done to remove pressure off spinal nerves by removing a herniated disc that is putting pressure on a nerve root. In a laminotomy, part of a vertebrae called Lamina or Lamina pack is removed to allow more room for your spinal cord or nerve root. In both cases it requires opening up your spine via an incision in your back to remove bone and relieve pressure on nerves. Both procedures are done under general anesthesia and take about 1-2 hours depending on how many levels are being treated. Recovery time can be anywhere from 3-12 weeks depending on how many levels were treated. The biggest risk with these surgeries are complications such as infection, blood clots or damage to other structures around your spine like your kidneys or bladder which may require further surgery. If you have not had any relief after 6 months of non surgical treatments then these procedures may be right for you but make sure you do thorough research before deciding if they’re right for you. Most patients who undergo either procedure have excellent results with significant pain relief and improved function in their day to day lives.

Minimally invasive method

Instead of making a large incision in your back to remove a damaged disc, surgeons using artificial discs can use smaller incisions. This means faster recovery time and less scarring. An added benefit of minimally invasive surgery is that it also minimizes your risk of infection, which is always a potential issue when you have any type of procedure on or around your spine. Minimizing an infection risk could make it more likely that you are able to return to regular activities sooner after surgery. In fact, many patients who undergo artificial disc replacement go home just hours after their procedure. The quicker recovery times mean you’ll be getting up and moving around again much sooner than if you had traditional open-back surgery. And with less pain and discomfort while recovering from your operation, it’s easier to maintain healthy habits like staying active or sticking to a diet plan. You’ll be able to get back on track with your life faster than ever before!

What is artificial disc replacement procedure?

The discs of your spine can be damaged for many reasons. One is simply age-related wear and tear the discs become less flexible over time, and in some cases, they can even start to degenerate or break down entirely. This may result in pain radiating from your lower back up into your hips or legs. In other cases, a patient's pain may be caused by injury, such as from a motor vehicle accident or sporting accident. An artificial disc replacement procedure helps patients who are suffering from chronic back pain due to herniated discs or other spinal conditions. An artificial disc implant replaces an injured, diseased, or worn out natural disc with an artificial one that restores normal movement and relieves pressure on your spinal cord and nerves. These implants are used most often in patients with severe lower back problems that don't respond well to non-surgical treatments like medications and physical therapy. Most people who undergo an artificial disc replacement procedure do so because their condition hasn't improved after trying these methods for at least three months.

The recovery time involved in this surgery

Since artificial disc replacements are often used to replace damaged discs that have previously undergone fusion surgery, there is usually an additional recovery period involved. Typically, patients take anywhere from six to eight weeks off of work after undergoing an artificial disc replacement, which can be much longer than other types of surgeries. Although some doctors recommend taking up to twelve weeks off from work and strenuous activities following an artificial disc replacement, others encourage a return to normal daily activities within four to six weeks. Whatever your case may be, it’s important to follow your doctor’s post-operative instructions so that you can reach optimal recovery in a timely manner.

Advantages of artificial discs over natural discs

Although total and permanent recovery may not always be possible, artificial discs have a number of advantages over natural discs. First, because there is no chance of future spinal deterioration from trauma or aging, artificial discs can offer greater stability than normal discs. Another advantage is that artificial discs do not have to be replaced as often as natural ones. For example, if you’re in your 50s and opt for a disc replacement procedure (including hemi-arthroplasty), you might only need one more surgery in your 60s or 70s if your current implant wears out. The reason for that success is that younger patients recover much quicker than older patients following such surgery. Overall, artificial discs can provide greater protection against any further risk of spinal deterioration resulting from trauma or degeneration.

How to choose the best surgeon or hospital for Artificial disc replacement?

An operation to replace a damaged or worn out intervertebral disc with an artificial one is called ‘Artificial Disc Replacement’ or ‘ADR’ for short. The success of your surgery will depend on finding an experienced and skilled surgeon who you can trust to perform your operation. Make sure you ask potential surgeons about their experience, before making your final decision. Choosing a hospital for Artificial disc replacement in Coimbatore that offers high quality care, and has state-of-the-art equipment will also be important in ensuring that you get back to your normal activities as soon as possible after your surgery.


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