Take these 7 Vitamins Once You Reach After Age 40

You should think of vitamins and nutrients as an army that will fight off age-related ailments.

Here they are:

1. Vitamin B12

Once a person turns 40 (and definitely after turning 50), vitamin B12 should be on his/her radar. The doctor says that this vitamin is essential for normal blood and brain function. And while children and young adults are likely to get the vitamin they need from food, such as from meat and animal products, including chicken, fish, dairy, and eggs As it is a water-soluble vitamin, you pee out what you don’t need.

2. Calcium

It is hard to know what to think about calcium: some recent analysis of 59 studies designed to measure the role it plays in preventing fractures for men and women.

Some other research has linked calcium supplements to an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and cardiac death for postmenopausal women.

According to Doctor for Bone disorders treatment Coimbatore, even though our bones absorb most of the calcium they need earlier in life the nutrient does play some role in maintaining bone health later in life too.

The nutrient is actually needed for other basic body functions such as muscle contraction, nerve, and heart functioning, as well as some other biochemical reactions – and if you are getting enough calcium for your diet, the body will steal calcium from your bones and that will weaken them.

You actually need calcium at 40 and beyond, but these latest findings tell us that you do not need to go overboard, as more calcium does not necessarily mean more benefit and may even be harmful to your heart health, Doctor says. Most of the women can get the amount of calcium they need – 1,000 mg a day for women 40 to 50, and 1,200 mg for women older than 50—if they eat a well-rounded diet with calcium-rich foods like dairy, tofu, sardines, broccoli, almonds, and spinach.

3. Vitamin D

The doctor from the Best Child Hospital in Coimbatore says that vitamin D is a biggie, for children and as well people in 40’s especially after 40, as it helps protect against the changes related to age which start kicking in. The deficiency of this vitamin has been linked to diabetes, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, and breast and correctional cancers, all of which are more likely to crop up the older the person gets.

Plus, vitamin D is also essential for the absorption of calcium in the body says a doctor.

Some of the dietary sources include fish and fortified dairy, grains, and cereals, but generally, the D you get from food is poorly absorbed.

The best source of this vitamin is the sun, but not everyone lives close enough to the equator so to be exposed to the strong rays that will deliver the D vitamin that you need, explains the doctor.

The doctor also recommends a D3 supplement (D3 being the type of vitamin D closest to what you would get from the sun).

One person should be getting at least 600 IU per day (and 800 IU per day after 50), according to the current National Institutes of Health recommendations.

4. Magnesium

The magnesium helps regulate blood pressure, which is especially important for women who are 40 plus and are already at risk of high blood pressure, because of aging.

The doctor for varicose vein treatment in Coimbatore adds that the deficiency of magnesium has been linked to heart disease, diabetes, varicose veins, and inflammation. Plus it also helps our body to absorb calcium and plays a great role in muscle, nerve, and heart function, as well as in the control of blood glucose.

If you think that you might be deficient in magnesium, your doctor can test it. But, you will be likely to get all the magnesium that you will need if you eat a healthy, balanced diet(320 mg a day for women 40 and up) from food, Doctor says. Magnesium can be found in dark leafy greens, beans, soy, nuts, seeds, and avocados.

Too much magnesium in the body does not pose any health risk, but it may cause diarrhea, nausea, or cramping as well.

5. Potassium

Potassium also plays a great role in keeping the blood pressure in check, no matter how old are you, says the doctor.

The benefits have been seen in those getting as little as 2 g per day, says study author Sylvia Wassertheil-Smoller, Ph.D., a professor in the department of epidemiology and population health at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

If there is too much potassium in your body, it may damage the gastrointestinal tract and the heart as well, and can also cause potentially life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias.

You can get potassium by eating a varied, healthy diet that includes bananas, sweet potatoes, chard, beans, and lentils. The doctor says that you are highly unlikely to get enough potassium in your diet to be dangerous. If your doctor prescribes you some supplements, he/she should carefully monitor how they will affect you.

6. Omega – 3s

Technically not a vitamin, omega 3 fatty acids still deserve the place on this list, because of their myriad health benefits, Doctor says, and especially because they help counteract some of the negative changes which come with getting older, such as increased heart disease risk and cognitive decline.

Some research has shown that omega – 3 fatty acids help in lowering the blood pressure and LDL ”bad” cholesterol levels, also reduce the risk of heart disease, and play a role in keeping memory and thinking sharp as well.

In fact, one recent study has found that people with higher levels of omega – 3 fatty acids in the blood had larger brains and performed better on some memory tests, planning activities, and abstract thinking, compared with people who had lower levels – which suggests that omega – 3 fatty acids play a huge role in maintaining brain health.

Even though you can get omega – 3 fatty acids from foods such as fish, walnuts, flaxseeds, and leafy vegetables, taking a supplement is also a good way to make sure that you are getting enough. Also remember to ask your doctor about the right dose if you are taking anticoagulant drugs, which can have serious side effects.

7. Probiotics

Probiotics are actually not technically vitamins or minerals either, but they are in fact important essentials for women of 40 and up, Doctor says, Even though you can get probiotics in some dairy and fermented soy products like seitan, foods typically will not contain as many strains as a supplement and each of the stains comes with its own benefits, some of them for helping to control weight, others for helping prevent diarrhea.

Plus, as probiotics are actually live and active cultures, you won’t have the ability to get them from foods that are cooked or heated.


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