Appendicitis: Causes and Treatments

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, which can be very painful and even fatal if not treated immediately with surgery. The appendix is located near the beginning of the large intestine, and it’s one of your body’s most unique organs because it has no known purpose. While appendicitis doesn’t necessarily cause abdominal pain, it can still be difficult to diagnose this condition due to the location of the appendix and because there are no specific tests that confirm appendicitis.

The Meaning of ‘Appendix’

The appendix is an organ that has no known function in the body, but some experts believe that it helps to create probiotics which may help people digest their food better. When there is an infection or inflammation of the appendix, it can lead to appendicitis.

Possible Reasons for Getting Appendicitis

Appendicitis is the swelling of the appendix due to a blockage. This blockage can be caused by several things, such as bacteria or food that cannot get through, or by fecal matter. Signs of appendicitis include nausea, vomiting, fever or loss of appetite; there is usually pain in the lower right side of your stomach area. An infection of the appendix will require surgery to remove it.

The Symptoms of Appendicitis

The pain of appendicitis is typically localized in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen. Other symptoms of appendicitis can include a fever, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, dehydration and constipation. The onset of these symptoms will gradually worsen and then come to a sudden point when the appendix bursts. Once this happens there is a high risk for sepsis which will lead to death.

How Can I Get Rid of This Pain?

Many people believe that eating spicy foods will help calm the inflamed appendix. The theory is that hot food triggers your digestive system to produce a substance called prostaglandin that might be able to help shrink an abscess or manage the pain. Spicy food may also relax your abdominal muscles, which could help reduce discomfort by decreasing the muscle tension.

In order to stay healthy, you should pay attention to what is coming out of your mouth as well as what goes in it! If you experience something such as acute appendicitis where pain increases exponentially then emergency room may be needed. Appendicitis happens when the appendix has become infected because of feces accumulating in it due to blockage.

Treatment Options for This Condition

  • Take antibiotics to fight the infection

  • Try to provide some relief with over-the-counter medicines

  • Go to an emergency room as soon as possible if not other treatments have worked or you are experiencing severe pain

Consequences If Untreated

It can become severe, with more damage to the tissues, surrounding organs, and leading to peritonitis (an infection of the abdominal wall). To avoid the chance of this happening, seek help as soon as possible.

The most common treatment for an acute appendicitis is an emergency surgery called a laparotomy which is what happens when Appendix specialist in Coimbatore make an incision in the lower abdomen.

If all signs of appendicitis are present, the main focus will be to remove the appendix through a small opening that has been made on one side of your stomach so they can access it more easily. The appendix is removed either by cutting or snaring it out.


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