Get the lowdown on adenoids: when to get treatment and what remedies actually work!

The adenoids are two glands that are located at the back of the nose, behind the nasal cavity, just above the soft palate. They are part of your immune system and are responsible for filtering potentially harmful particles in your airways, as well as secreting mucus to help keep your nasal passages moist and protected from dust and other irritants. However, sometimes these glands can become enlarged or infected, causing them to obstruct breathing or interfere with normal sinus function—and this is when you need to get adenoids treatment!

Foods that increase the need for nose polyps removal

Certain foods may have an effect on your need for nose polyps removal. It's best not to consume anything with a high sugar content, as it can lead to increased swelling in your nasal passages and thus, an increased need for nose polyps removal. Sugary candies, sodas, baked goods, or anything else with refined sugar is the way of things you'll want to avoid if you're thinking about getting a procedure done.

5 proven home remedies you can use at home

  1. Gargle with warm salt water 3 times a day (1-2 teaspoons of salt dissolved in 1/4 cup of water).

  2. Mix 3-4 drops of clove oil into 1⁄2 tsp. fresh honey or 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar, followed by a drink of water

  3. Chew parsley, peppermint, or cardamom seeds, especially if you have difficulty swallowing; leave them under your tongue for 10 minutes before swallowing

  4. Drink ginger tea (ginger can be bought as tea bags)

  5. Chew alfalfa leaves for 10 minutes before swallowing

Drink plenty of water

Adenoids are small masses of tissue that can grow in your neck or throat area. You might not know you have them until they cause an issue like breathing, sleeping, or eating problems. Drinking enough water can help, so make sure you're drinking at least one bottle per day. Fluids act as natural lubricants for food going down your throat, so this should reduce some of those symptoms if you drink more than usual.

Avoid dairy products

If you're looking for relief, there are some things you can do at home. Try using decongestants or a hot water bottle on your throat. Or try some over-the-counter decongestant medication like Sudafed or pseudoephedrine in order to help drain your congestion. Avoid dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese while you have a cold because these may worsen your symptoms.

Use a humidifier or vaporizer at night

A common home remedy for congested noses and stuffy heads is a humidifier or vaporizer. These work by adding moisture to the air which eases congestion by helping loosen mucus in your throat.

Snack right before bedtime

Studies have shown that not eating at least a few hours before bed is much more likely to lead to weight gain than skipping breakfast in the morning. Without a proper break in your system, it’s easier for insulin levels to shoot up too high. Plus, people who eat late are more likely to overindulge in unhealthy foods because they think their stomachs are empty – which means that snacking before bedtime can be a recipe for weight gain!

Keep your bedroom cool and dark

A good remedy for a stuffy nose is getting enough sleep. Go to bed at a reasonable hour, but don't deprive yourself of sleep completely. Keeping your bedroom dark can help you fall asleep, while a cool room will make it easier for you to breathe. Use saline nasal drops or spray if you wake up in the middle of the night because your nose is too dry.

Use antihistamines such as Benadryl

Prescription antihistamines such as Benadryl are one of the most popular home remedies for treating a stuffed nose. The medication often contains an ingredient called diphenhydramine that causes your blood vessels to widen and reduces swelling in your mucous membranes. While over-the-counter antihistamines don't have a potential for abuse, they can lead to headaches, drowsiness, or difficulty concentrating.

Signs your child needs his/her adenoids removed

While symptoms of enlarged adenoids may not be as obvious as other childhood diseases, they can lead to some concerning issues, like sleep apnea. Always keep in mind these signs that your child needs his/her adenoids removed. These include mouth breathing, snoring or gasping while sleeping, constantly having a stuffy nose or ears, poor school performance due to lack of sleep and restlessness during the day. Your doctor will then perform a physical exam along with a hearing test before diagnosing any problems. If they find enlarged adenoids, you will need Adenoids treatment in coimbatore immediately - it's important to catch this before it becomes a serious problem for your child's development and health!


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