Preputioplasty Preparation Tips for a Successful Procedure

What to Expect Before Your Surgery. When you’re preparing to undergo preputioplasty, you’ll be faced with many decisions that will have an effect on your overall recovery process. The more planning and research you put into these steps before surgery, the less stressed you’ll be after the procedure has been completed. Here are some tips on how to prepare yourself before going under the knife.

Preparing mentally

Before you can physically prepare yourself, it’s important to mentally prepare. This might seem like an odd step to some people, but it’s really quite important. Since preputioplasty is considered to be only cosmetic surgery, not a lot of time or attention is spent preparing those having it done about what to expect afterward. It will take you longer than you think to heal and during that time you may experience some discomfort; make sure you understand what those things are and plan accordingly. The first couple of days after your procedure are going to be painful, so plan on relaxing at home and make sure someone can help out with things like cooking dinner or getting groceries.

Preparing physically

Preputioplasty is an outpatient procedure that lasts about 30-60 minutes and requires local anesthesia. Depending on your particular case, you may need to stop taking certain medications prior to surgery, including blood thinners, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and birth control pills. Be sure to ask your surgeon if any medications might interfere with healing after your procedure. A physical exam is also recommended before having prepucoplasty to make sure you're in good health and have no conditions that would preclude or interfere with successful treatment. Wear loose clothing on the day of surgery because you'll likely be wearing a compression garment or binder post-op.

The recovery period

You’ll need to take at least two weeks off from work and activity in order to get over your procedure without complications. It’s recommended that you don’t drink alcohol during your recovery time as well as avoiding hot tubs and saunas to help ensure proper healing. You may also have small scabs on your tip of your penis from where stitches were placed, but these will eventually disappear. Because surgery is an invasive procedure, it’s always a good idea to consult with your surgeon about any questions or concerns you might have before going forward with preputioplasty.

Staying positive!

It’s natural to feel apprehensive about any medical procedure—but preputioplasty is relatively quick and painless. As long as you have your doctor’s approval, stick with your usual routine before surgery. You can also get additional support from family and friends during your prep period: Ask loved ones to help you out with household chores or schedule visits so that you don’t spend too much time alone. If you’re concerned about staying positive during your prep period, write down some positive affirmation phrases on a piece of paper—and read them whenever you need encouragement. (I will not be anxious during my prep period.)

Preputioplasty and Circumcision 

The Effect on Sensitivity: Many men worry that they’ll lose sensitivity when they undergo circumcision or preputioplasty. In fact, medical research shows that circumcision has no negative impact on sensation. The foreskin was once thought to be highly sensitive, but in recent years, studies have found it to contain fewer nerve endings than other parts of the penis. For preputioplasties, nerves are not involved in any way so you can rest assured that sensation will not be affected by your procedure. Some doctors even say that preputioplasty patients report more pleasure because there is less skin covering their penises and more direct contact between their skin and their partner's body.

Management after the preputioplasty procedure

A major benefit of preputioplasty is that post-procedure care is minimal. Since there’s no healing time involved, patients can resume normal activity within a day or two after surgery. Whether you're planning to return to work, school or sports immediately after your procedure, it's important to remain diligent about taking prescribed medication and following your surgeon's instructions regarding wound care. You should have little trouble managing an preputioplasty because most patients experience only mild discomfort after surgery and don't require prescription pain meds beyond 48 hours.


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